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Most Christian parents hope to see their children turn out to be followers of Christ and model citizens. Yet while Scripture offers a great deal of practical advice for raising children, there are no guarantees.

Aaron, the high priest and leader of Israel’s worship, is a prime case. First, his two older sons, Nadab and Abihu, violated God’s commands by offering “profane fire before the Lord” (Lev. 10:1). It’s interesting that this occurred immediately after the ceremony initiating the sacrificial system, at which their father had presided (9:22–24). Whatever the reason for their disobedience, they died as a result (10:2).

Shortly after this, Aaron’s two remaining sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, also violated the sacrificial code, and Moses had to discipline them (10:12–18).

These incidents raise questions about Aaron as a father. We know from the incident with the golden calf at Sinai that he had a tendency to waffle under pressure (Ex. 32). But quite apart from Aaron’s parenting skills, the account suggests that none of us can be certain of how our children will turn out. Even the “best” families can produce rebels. Scripture shows that sinners often make sinful choices.

Study notes from the Word In Life Study Bible, copyright 1993,1996, by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. The study notes from the Word In Life Study Bible appearing at this web site are for personal use only.

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